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Mods - How to create and use modifications on your items
Mods - How to create and use modifications on your items

Set up required or optional mods on items to add options from your menu

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over a week ago

Key Points

  • Mods are modifications to your menu items - such as "Oat milk" on a coffee or "Medium rare" on a steak.

  • You can set them up under Setup > Mod Editor, or on-the-fly within an item.

  • There are two types of mod setup

    • Optional - select as many of these as you like at time of ordering - e.g. 1x Sugar + Extra Shot.

    • Required - A set of mods with a purpose and you can only select one at time of ordering. e.g. Size - Small, Medium or Large.

  • Mods can change the sales price of the item. You can make a negative priced mod to lower the price of the item by placing a minus sign in front to of the mod sales price. e.g. Mod: Small, Sales Price: -0.50

  • Small Plan: There is a limit of 50 mods

Detailed Steps

Create a Mod

  • To create a mod, either head to Setup > Mod Editor and press the New Mod button, or open up an item you're wanting to add a mod to, then head to the Mods section and press Add Mod.

  • The mod screen will slide out. Enter your...

    • Name

    • Sales Price of the mod. +/-, or 0 (no value) is fine

    • Category and Subcategory where appropriate

    • Toggle whether the mod is to appear on your online menu for the customers to select.

    • If you want to record costings on the mod, press the button at the bottom left.

    • Add your ingredients as per the Recipe Builder instructions, or press record manually to enter in the value directly.

  • At the very bottom of the mod page you will see what items this mod is attached to (useful information if you are updating a recipe or wanting to delete a mod).

Adding mods to Items

  • Open the item you want to add the mods to and head to the Mods Section.

  • Locate the mod you are after by using search or dropping down the category section.

Adding an Optional Mod

  • You can add as many mods as you like to the Optional Mods list, and select as many as you like while adding the item to an order.

  • Find your mods on the left and drag them into the Optional Mods section. Or, hit 'Add a Mod' under Optional Mods, search or pick a category, and click on a mod to add it - easy!

  • To remove mods, drag them back and drop them in the mods list.

  • Save your item and sync your menu on the iPads.

Adding a Required Mod Group

  • You can add multiple Required Mod Groups to an item.

  • Firstly, name your Required Mod Group by either pressing + Add Required Mod Group, then naming the group...

    or dragging your first mod into the required mods section and then naming the group.

  • Drag your mods from the left into your new group, or tap 'Add a Mod' at the bottom of the group.

  • Search or pick a category, then click a mod to add it.

  • Once you're done, one mod will be highlighted in blue—this is the default mod.

    • If you use the swipe motion to add an item to an order, the default mod will come with it automatically.

  • Want to change the default mod? Just click it once.

  • Boom! Your first required mod group is set.

    • In this case, medium flat white is the most popular, so we’ve set ‘medium’ as the default.

  • Need more mod groups?

    • Repeat the process below your first group.

    • Drag and drop mod groups up or down to get them in the right spot for your team. Use the anchor on the top right of the group (looks like =)

  • Don't forget to press Done on the item to save your changes, then Sync your menu on your Bustle tills!


  • If you are having any issues adding mods, refer to our Bustle Hub Website Issues article.

  • We do have a known issue with the search function when dragging and dropping mods where mods don't drop in correctly. Should this occur, refresh the page and try using the "or add a mod" button below the section you are trying to add to.

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