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Bustle Online - make your menu shine online

How to set up your Bustle Online menu in 4 easy steps

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 8 months ago

Once your Bustle iPad menu is set up and ready to serve, it's time to get that shine on your menu and get it online!

Whether you want it online simply to show your delicious treats to the world, or you plan to take online orders, we have the setup for you.

Head to Setup > Menu Builder and click the Online button to get started!

Step 1 - Upload your Logo

Upload your logo on the menu preview. Ideally your logo is square in shape and under 1mb in size. Want to get funky? Try uploading a small square gif for a moving logo!

Step 2 - Hide / Position menu sections

Decide what menu sections you want to show or hide online, and in what order you want them to appear. Click Hide or position sections.

To hide or show a section simply press on hide or show. To move sections around, drag and drop the menu section to where you want it. Once done, press Save.

Hiding or displaying items and mods

You can decide whether to display an item or a mod on your online menu within the item or mod records themselves.


On the Menu Builder page you can toggle on

Open it up and in the Basics area, toggle on or off the Show Online button. This toggle is also available on the item itself, by opening it from within the item editor.


Head to the Mod Editor or you can also do this in the mods section of your item.

Open up the mod and toggle on or off the Display on your Online Menu button.

Step 3 - Set up your section blurbs - headers and footers (optional)

Want to add some more wording for each menu section? Here's how...

Click on the section button in the preview to open up the section.

Click this...

Click + Add Section Blurb in the header to add in some tantalising words. There is another spot at the footer to do the same...

If you need to update the name of an item or add a description, you can also do this from the preview page. Click the item, then press Edit Item to bring up the item's short form. You can make changes to the item from there.

Step 4 - Branding your menu (the fun part!)

You're almost done. Now let's add a bit of colour and some welcoming words!

Press the Edit button at the top right of the preview to head to the branding setup page.

On the Branding Setup page we have a few sections on the left for you to fill in or select from. Let's take a look...

Welcome message

Enter in a welcome message to display at the top of your menu. It can be anything from your style of service, to your offerings, to service times.

Colour scheme

There are 4 colours you need to select. Have a play and get your colours rocking!

Brand - your main brand colour.

Secondary - a matching colour that gets used as the menu background.

Tertiary - another match that gets used for item buttons.

Highlight - Used to highlight selections on the menu, or for error messages.

Select the colour by clicking on the colour field. The colour selector will appear. You can use the eyedropper, the colour scroller, or enter in your HEX number manually by clicking the field at the bottom of the selector until HEX shows - then enter in your unique number.

Need help finding ideal colours to go with your brand? There are a lot of free colour palette finders on the web, such as this one: Coolers.

Brand Style and Currency

The final settings are Brand Style - these make small changes on how the buttons and fonts appear on the site, and Currency - how you want prices to display.

Once you're ready, press the Update Branding or Done button to save your settings

To really make your menu shine...

Jazz up your menu and get more feet through the door!

How about adding images, descriptions and promotions to your menu.

Go live with your online menu

When you are ready to go live with your menu, head to Setup > Bustle Online and press Get Seen under Make Your menu discoverable.

A window will pop out - press Get Online and your QR code, direct link and some further hints and tips will appear.

And from here - share your QR code and links everywhere and let that gorgeous menu shine...

Next steps...

Start taking orders online with your flash new Online menu!

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