Stocktake has several moving parts - it links recipes, item sales, invoices, and products to give you an insight into your stock movement. Taking the time to do it properly will provide the best results - if you haven't already, give our article on stocktake and stock invoices a read.
In this article you will find:
A few Frequently Asked Questions to start:
When is the best time to do stocktake?
We recommend doing your stocktake outside trading hours. As it works on live data, your numbers could end up inaccurate if you are selling items (and moving stock) while also counting stock.
Can I make changes to my stocktake? I found an extra bag of flour after putting in the numbers
Yes, only if the stocktake is in Review and hasn't been locked yet. You can do this by recording a count change. These changes are recorded to ensure there are no discrepancies.
If it has been locked, the variance will need to be fixed up in the next stocktake.
Can I delete/restart a stocktake?
No, they are designed to be finished soon after starting. If you have accidentally started one, click here.
Can I print my stocktake? I'd like a copy to walk around with
You can print or save a PDF of any page from your Bustle Hub.
What are the main steps to getting set up for stocktake? I want it to be as accurate as possible!
1. Create recipes under your menu items (or mods) - this helps track usage
2. Perform your first stocktake to create your opening stock count
3. Enter invoices to track incoming stock
4. Complete regular stocktakes
Does Bustle integrate with other stocktake software? Is there a Bustle API?
Not at the moment
How to fix your stocktake
Here's a list of different scenarios we've seen so far. Look for the one closest to your case and follow the provided solutions
At this stage, expect the solutions to cause variances. What we're doing here is setting you up for a fresh start in the upcoming stocktake.
Scenario 1: Current stock is/has an error
I didn't mean to start a new stocktake, I accidentally clicked a button
Current stocktake has wrong information or I'd like to clean up the data
Complete and lock the stocktake and start a new one asap to get your baseline re-set.
Scenario 2: I want to delete a stocktake
I forgot to complete my stocktake 2 weeks ago and now the numbers are off
I'm not happy with how my last stocktake turned out, I'd like to delete it and start fresh
Solutions - Pick one of the following
Complete and lock the stocktake and start a new one asap to get your baseline re-set.
Enter 0 for all stock and lock it. From here, you can either perform a new stocktake immediately to put the correct numbers or wait until the stocktake needs to be performed to start a new one. *This will cause a variance but it should set you up fresh for the coming stocktakes
Keep the stocktake with wrong information open and complete it at a later date when you're ready to do a stocktake. *This will cause a variance but it should set you up fresh for the coming stocktakes
Scenario 3: I locked my stocktake but found new items to include
The best thing to do here is to wait until your next stocktake to include these missed items
Understanding stocktake a bit more (advanced):
To give you more context for how stocktake works:
Stocktake is time bound - stocktakes work on live data to work out the Sold, Expected, and Current stock figures. They are meant to be started and finished as soon as possible to get accurate reporting. They are also meant to be done outside trading hours to avoid recording your stock count while stock is also moving.
Security is built-in - We've allowed amendments to be made in the process of taking stock but it's all tracked. This is completed in the Review phase of the stocktake and reasons need to be added so managers/owners can review these changes. The ability to delete stocktakes, even partial ones, are not possible to avoid discrepancies and fraudulence.
It's a tricky part of Bustle but we are always looking for ways to improve and appreciate any feedback we can get in our feedback tool.