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Create invoices from Upstock orders

Import your Upstock orders into Bustle in preparation for stocktake

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 8 months ago

Key Points

  • For our New Zealand and Australian customers... It's quick and easy to get your Upstock orders into Bustle, saving you having to manually enter them.

  • Upstock is a top-notch app that excels in simplifying the management of hospitality wholesale orders. The team have poured their heart and soul into perfecting every aspect of the app's functionality, resulting in a seamless and intuitive user experience.

  • Upstock's export report makes it easy to get your orders into Bustle for stocktake, saving you having to manually enter invoices.

  • Why are stocktakes important?

    • Regular stocktakes help you avoid running out of stock or overstocking. They also let you spot discrepancies in stock counts. All of this helps your business to reduce waste and improve profitability.

Detailed Steps

Getting Upstock orders in Bustle

1. Mark your orders as received in Upstock

  • Upstock recommend only exporting orders that have been marked as received. This is quick to do when viewing an order in Upstock and helps you keep track of what's been delivered.

2. Export orders from Upstock

  • From your Upstock app, go to Reports › Orders export report.

  • Choose Received as the order status and Since last export, and finally the date. These settings will be remembered for next time.

  • Next, choose Export to download a CSV file with the orders.

3. Import orders in Bustle

  • In your Bustle Hub, go to Stock Control › Stock Invoices.

  • Choose Import now, then select your saved CSV file.

4. Match products & suppliers

  • The first few times you import orders, you'll need to match the suppliers and products in Upstock with those in Bustle.

  • Once you have matched the products, these will be remembered for next time.

  • Please note: You will need to have your corresponding Suppliers and Products created in Bustle to start the matching process.

  • If you don’t see a matching supplier or product, you’ll have to add them to Bustle to continue.

5. Complete the import

  • When you're ready and all products have been matched, choose Save on the Supplier's invoice record to create the stock invoices in Bustle, or if you've imported multiple orders and everything is matched, choose the Select All button at the top of the screen to create all the invoices in Bustle.

  • The invoices created will determine the amount of stock you’ve purchased for your next stocktake.

And now you've saved all that time... Have a cuppa. You deserve it!

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