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Bustle iPad App is crashing

What to do if the iPad app crashes to the iPad's home screen

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 10 months ago

Here’s our suggested troubleshooting steps to fix resolve crashing or data issues. If you’ve tried any of these, move on to the next step.

  1. Fully close and reopen the Bustle app (close out of the app, tap the home button twice and swipe up on Bustle).

  2. Do a full reboot of the iPad.

  3. Are you doing cash ups on all iPads every day? If not, this can cause data issues over time that get steadily worse. Try cashing up all iPads with Bustle (whether used or not) using this process and don't log back in using the pin pad on any of them until all are cashed up and locked.

  4. Check the transaction and order history under Settings > History. If everything has a green tick… fully delete and reinstall Bustle as per the process below. This will remove any corrupt data and refresh it with a new copy from the server. 

If you have red exclamation marks showing, your iPad is no longer connected properly to an internet connection. Try the troubleshooting steps by clicking the button below:

If you’ve tried all of the above still experiencing the issue, please let us know and we can discuss further troubleshooting.

What would help is letting us know any error message, how long it's been happening for, and what action you are taking when it occurs.

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