Table Ordering and Payment.
Does any of the following sound familiar?
I have busy times where the counter has lines of people.
The order and payment process is slow as there is a bottleneck at the counter
Seated customers are trying to pay, while takeaway customers are trying to order
I have busy periods where it would be great to have something to alleviate the rush!
Table ordering + payment can help! Simply provide your online menu QR code to your tables, add the table number, and watch those orders fly in!
Here's how Table ordering works
Ordering and Payment
Your customer browses your menu from your link or QR code. You will need to have table numbers and the QR code visible on the table.
They add items to their order, enter their table number (from your table layout list, or pre-defined tabs list), enter their name and press Pay Now
They're whisked away to the payment screen, where they can pay by Apple, Link or Google pay, or add in their card details and save it to their email address for ease of payment next time.
Once paid they will receive a confirmation and order number
Now that the order has been placed an paid for, a number of items print out on your printer/s or Paperless.
You can switch these on or off in your printer settings:
The order prints as per your usual order setup for these items. The tab will display the person's name as entered on the online order along with the table number and a note at the bottom that it is an online order for the table.
An automatic receipt can print with your usual receipt setup.
A paid in full slip prints - to advise the person on the main receiving till that an order has arrived and been paid
And from here it's business as usual - the items are made and served to the table. Should the customer want to order again they can do so using the QR code and pay in the same manner.
Keen to set up QR ordering and payment with Bustle Online? Let's get started!