Connecting Bustle to Xero is easy.
You need both a Bustle and a Xero account and it's best done on a computer, not a mobile device. We recommend following this process with your accountant.
Here's how it's done!
Sign into your Bustle Hub
Click the Settings cog at the top right of the site then select Integrations
Click on Make your accountant happy now to get started.
Then click Connect to Xero
You will be taken to Xero. Log in using your Xero credentials. If you have multiple businesses using Xero, select the business to connect to Bustle from the options displayed. Follow the prompts and you'll be redirected back to this Bustle screen.
(This is where you might want to have your accountant handy)
There are six accounts you need to set up so Bustle can send your daily takings information to the correct places in Xero.
a) * Card Sales Holding Account
b) * Cash Sales Holding Account
c) * Other Card Sales Holding Account
d) * Petty Cash Holding Account
e) ** Sales Revenue Account
f) *** Cash Unders & Overs Expense Account for variances
*In Xero, the Account type for these accounts defaults to Current Asset with Tax Rate of no GST for New Zealand or BAS Excluded for Australia, or No VAT for UK.
** In Xero, the Account type for this account defaults to Tax Rate of Revenue with GST for New Zealand, GST on Income for Australia, or VAT on Income for UK.
*** In Xero, the Account type for this account defaults to Direct Cost with Tax Rate of no GST for New Zealand, BAS Excluded for Australia, or No VAT for UK.
Once set up, the 6 accounts will map your Bustle transactions to the correct accounts in Xero.
Click Create New Xero Account:
Enter the new account names and account codes
Click on Create in Xero.
Ensure the account is selected, then press Save at the bottom of the main page
These accounts are now automatically created in Xero and your Bustle Sales information is linked to Xero Accounts, appearing in your chart of accounts
You're done! You can now send your daily cash ups to Xero, where they will be available for view as draft invoices under your Business Invoices. See how to send to Xero below: