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Regulr - Marketing Materials

Digital marketing help for your Regulr promotions

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 10 months ago

When you start to promote Regulr, you're going to need a few logos etc from us so we thought, why not give you a single place to find them all... so here they are!

Point of purchase marketing materials - POP POP!

Regulr Point of Purchase Materials

Need some stickers and coasters onsite to promote Regulr? We've got ya covered.
Get in touch via the support messenger on your Bustle hub and ask the team to arrange.

Regulr Logos

Regulr marketing material

Regulr marketing material

Regulr marketing material

Regulr marketing material


Here's a couple of examples of flyers you could make to promote Regulr in your business. Get creative and promote your favourite gram-worthy hero shot!

Regulr marketing material

Regulr marketing material

Flyer Wording Options

Put it in your own words, but some examples are:

Option 1 - Weekly Tab

Keep it tasty while keeping your distance!

Order here through Regulr app

Support your local Hospitality Joint
Pay on Sunday! Support <businessName> throughout the week and everything gets put on your personal tab. Come Sunday your tab will be automatically paid. Super Easy!
Visit for more details.

Option 2 - Pay in store

Keep it tasty while keeping your distance!

Order here through Regulr app

Support your local Hospitality Joint
Support <businessName> throughout the week  by ordering through regulr app! Pick up your treats and pay in store. Super Easy!
Visit for more details.

You get the gist! Use the wording that fits your business model and brand.

App Store and Play Logos

And finally, here's some regulr pics you could use...

Regulr Pic 1
Regulr Pic 2
Regulr Pic 3
Regulr Pic 4

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