That's great news! We have a couple of options to consider when handing over Bustle to a new owner. Let's take a look...
Option 1 - New owners take over your account
Handing over the Bustle account entirely means that the new owner has access to your current menus, data and past reporting. You will need to make sure you have exported any data you need before handing over. This is the simplest method and all that is needed are the following steps on handover.
Invite the new Owners by creating a new Boss account (don't change your email address to theirs)
Change the Credit Card for Bustle subscription payments
Let us know the new owner's name & email address for billing
Edit company details for GST receipts
Are you handing over the iPads? If so, changeover the Apple ID to the new owners - Change Apple ID
Final step - Get the new owners to remove your Boss account from the Company Settings > Site Logins page.
Option 2 - New owners create a new account
This option is if the new owners want to start fresh with a new account. Here they can either build the menu from scratch, or, with your permission, we can copy over the items and menu to their new account.
Moving the menu and items to the new account should be done before any items are created on the new account.
What a Menu Copy Includes:
When copying a menu, the following information is carried over:
Menu Layout
Item Details:
Button Name
Sales Price
Item Description (for online menu)
Alternative Prices (and their attachments to items)
Category & Subcategory
Item Notes
Mod Name
Prices & Alternative Prices
Other Details:
Menu placement of buttons
Products linked to item recipes
Suppliers linked to products in item recipes
What a Menu Copy Does Not Include:
The following are not copied over:
Any information about items that are not on the copied menu (e.g., products unique to an item)
Item Images
Dietary Requirements
Bustle Online Menu Settings
Branding & Logos
Section, Item, or Menu Descriptions
Whether the item or modifiers appear on the online menu
Reporting history
When the new owners take over, they’ll need to delete Bustle from the iPads, install and log in with their account and configure printers, eftpos etc. This is the article that guides new owners through the process.
Finally, with option 2, you'll have to cancel your account so please get in touch for the process.