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Cash Ups - on your Bustle Hub

How do I cash up? Make changes to a cash up? Export a cash up? Where do I change my float? how do I cash up a till with no takings?

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 9 months ago

Key points

  • This article covers cash ups on your Bustle Hub, once they are completed on your iPads. Find out how to do the cash up process on your Bustle Tills in this article.

  • If you have more than one iPad running Bustle you need to cash up ALL active iPads daily If an iPad is opened after the last cash up, it needs to be cashed up at the end of the day and kept locked.

  • Cash ups on the Bustle Hub - Where you can view and report on each cash up, edit and also send the totals through to Xero.

Detailed Steps

Cash Up Summaries

  • At the top of the cash up page you have a date picker, a brief analysis of the latest cash up, and a summary line graph of the cash ups over the selected period.

  • The latest cash up shows the amount, as well as how it tracked against the last three 'Tuesdays' (in this case). Thumbs up if you beat the average, and down if you didn't.

  • It also shows the amount of variance against your target margin. In this case, a strict no variance margin has been added.

  • You can set up your margins for this report in your company settings.

Reopening a Cash Up / Editing a Cash Up on your Bustle Hub

  • Head to Cash Ups.

  • All of your cash ups will be listed by date. Each row is a total of all cash ups from all of your iPads for that day.

  • Click anywhere on the total row to expand the day and view the individual cash ups beneath. Then click on the row of the cash up you want to view/edit.

  • The cash up will open up in a slide out window.

  • To edit the cash up press the Reopen button .

  • Here you can edit the actual values for Petty cash at the top, Card in the middle and the Cash count at the bottom.

  • Once you’re done, click the Finalise button at the bottom and refresh the cash ups page.

Exporting Cash Ups

  • To export cash up information on your Bustle Hub, select the date range, then the cash ups you want to export, and press the Export button.

  • Select the Date range using the date picker (1) a whole page of cash ups (2) or select individual cash ups (3).

  • Press (4) Export to download a .CSV file of your cash up data.

  • If you’re reporting on more than a page of cash ups, you will need to run separate cash ups for each page then copy/paste into your spreadsheet app.


  • Dealing with Variance - If you have an unacceptable variance, check out the article below to help you troubleshoot.

  • If a cash up has not saved to your Bustle hub, check the iPad/s to see if the cash up has been done. Head to Settings > History and press the Cash ups tab. Is there a cash up showing for the date there with a green tick?

    • If not, it is most likely that the cash up wasn't completed.

    • If there is a red tick, make sure that the iPad is connected to the internet and run through these troubleshooting steps.

    • Get in touch with support if you get stuck.

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