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Comparative Reporting Dashboard (Prototype)
Comparative Reporting Dashboard (Prototype)

Want to compare a day or a date range? Try out our new report and let us know what you think.

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 10 months ago

Keen to compare this Monday to the last few? Last week to the week before? This year to last?

Check out our prototype comparative dashboard and take it through its paces - and let us know if it's worthy of being incorporated into the main dashboard.

How do I access it?

Head to your current Dashboard and click Try the new dashboard now.

How do I use it?

Select the date or date range you want to compare using the date picker

Decide what you want to compare it against using the Compared to selector. You can select more than one from the dropdown options.

Let the report load and view the results.

  • The Orders section will show the usual information from your dashboard, compared to the time period selected. It will show the percentage increase (in green) or decrease (in red).

  • The Order Value by hour report will show a line graph of the compared periods. If you select more than one time period the results will show an average of the times you have selected in the Compared to dropdown.

How do I give feedback?

We'd love to hear what you think, if everything is working properly and if you'd like to see this report merged into the main dashboard going forward. And while you're at it - what else could we add to your dashboard to really help your business?

Take the quick 3 question survey located at the top right of the Comparative Dashboard.

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