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Regulr - My outlet is LIVE, what now?
Regulr - My outlet is LIVE, what now?

How do I accept orders? I can't see Regulr orders arrive.

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 10 months ago

You're live! Awesome work... So... what happens now?

Make sure you sync your menu on the till you have set up as your Order Receiving Device. This will ensure all orders arrive for you to process. If you are switching Regulr off every night, please make sure you sync your menu on the till as soon as you turn it on again.

Kinda important >>>
Do you have Table Layout switched on? Regulr and table layout weren't really designed to work together. You can switch Table layout off on your Bustle Hub in the Setup > iPad Setup tab, or you can press the Quick Sale button at the bottom left of the table screen to check for Regulr orders. You might want to ensure you have the notification DING turned on tho.

Now that we've covered that....

1 - Tell all your regulars! 

Let your regulars know to download the Regulr app in the Apple App store and Android's Google Play. 

The Regulr App

Once they're set up with a valid credit card entered, they'll be able to search nearby outlets, find yours, and add you as their first regular!

2- Promote Promote Promote

Do all you can to let your customer base and passers-by know to order from you through Regulr

  1. Get creative on a Blackboard outside!

  2. Create a flyer to be available at your outlet.

  3. Social media it up - Tell the digital world to download Regulr, add your outlet and order their faves for pickup! 

Want to know more? Check out the full promote Regulr article here.

3 - Receive Regulr orders!

Get your regulars to try it out in front of you (or try it out yourself to test). Orders will appear on the till you have set up earlier as your Order Receiving Device. Make sure this till is manned or checked regularly (see what we did there?) as you don't want to miss one.
If you use our Emoji Staff logins the Bustle logo in the middle of the screen will wobble when an order arrives...

Once logged in or if you aren't using Emoji staff Logins, the order will appear on screen like below...

  • On the right, the details of the order along with any notes will appear.

  • On the left the screen is taken over by the Regulr order... 

  • ...which is where you accept, cancel or snooze the order by dragging the square to the appropriate emoji, then releasing.

One thing to note: if you are in the middle of a transaction, the Regulr order will not appear until you have paid or closed the tab. Be careful not to leave an unfinished order on the screen.

Here's what the three Emojis mean:

👍- Accept: Automatically prints the order and sends a notification to the Regulr customer.

😴- Snooze: Removes the order from screen and allows you to process your next order/transaction. Once complete, the Regulr order will return.

❌- Cancel: Removes the order from the screen and notifies the Regulr customer that the order was unsuccessful.

4 - Order completed and assigned to their account

From here, you go about your normal business and prepare the order ready for pickup.
The order is automatically assigned to their account in the Bustle app (the account is created when they first order). There is now a new section in accounts called Mobile, where the Regulr accounts will appear. 

Customers can pop into the outlet and pay off their account any time before Sunday (to avoid the transaction fees) or leave the bill to be paid automatically every Sunday via their credit card.

5 - View your Regulr progress

On the Dashboard, you will see a new section showing your Regulr sales. For your financial reports, head to Stripe!

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