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Bustle iPad app - Clearing the balance on accounts
Bustle iPad app - Clearing the balance on accounts

How to pay an account by clearing the balance so you can create an invoice summary for invoicing from your financial system.

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 9 months ago

Key Points

  • Clearing balance on accounts is used to clear value on an account when it is not being paid by cash or card.

  • Some uses for clearing the balance are: when the customer has paid you by bank transfer, or paying by invoice from your financial system, clearing off Staff meals, or writing off an amount for a customer that hasn't paid and the balance is unrecoverable.

  • This assumes you are familiar with the account process. If not, read this article first.

Detailed Steps

On the Bustle Till App

  • Head to Settings > Accounts & Vouchers.

  • Locate the account and press to display the account details on the right.

  • Press Pay Account.

  • Here you can clear the remaining amount or press Partial to clear a smaller amount.

  • Press Clear Balance - you will be prompted to print for a signature and the amount selected will be cleared.

  • You will then be prompted to print an itemised summary now that the balance is cleared. The account will be set back to $0, clearing all assignments, or for partial payments it will show the credited amount.

On the Bustle Hub

  • Head to Accounts > Active Accounts and tick on Show Settled Accounts if you're looking for one with a $0.00 balance.

  • Locate the account and click to open. For this example we can see that the current owing is $0.00, and the top row in the Previously Settled area is the $84.50 we just cleared from the account.

  • Press Summary or Breakdown to see more. You can also save these as PDF files to send to the customer. See here for more.


  • You are unable to reverse a clear balance once completed. You would need to add back the value to the customer's account. This could be done using an Open priced item. You will still have the itemised list available on the account on your Bustle Hub.

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