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Add another iPad to your Bustle setup
Add another iPad to your Bustle setup

How do I add an extra till / iPad to my system so it syncs with my current setup?

Brent Wimmers avatar
Written by Brent Wimmers
Updated over 11 months ago

To add more than one iPad to your Bustle setup you need to be on our Medium or Large plan

Want to add another iPad? Easy! Here’s how:

  1. Head to your Bustle Hub under Setup > iPad Setup

  2. Select New iPad (at the top right) - Give it a unique name, till code, and order number

    1. Ensure the order numbers are all unique (eg Till 1 - 0001, Till 2 - 1001, Till 3 - 2001 and so on)

  3. Download the Bustle Till iPad App from the App Store and login to the new device from your new iPad by selecting it from the list after login.

  4. Check, set up, and test any printers, Eftpos settings and switch on Pre-defined tabs if used on your other iPads.

What your till status means:

Active - your iPad is currently being used

Locked - your iPad's last activity was a cash up and the screen shows the enter passcode page

Inactive - your iPad hasn't been connected yet or has been deactivated through your Bustle Hub.

I've been told I need to cash up all iPads daily - how do I know which ones to cash up?

All Active and Locked* iPads need to be cashed up.

*exception: if an iPad is Locked and put away (like an iPad you only use outdoors during the summer or only on weekends), you don't need to cash it up

Important things to note: 

  • Any order or tab created will sync to the other iPad/s within 15 seconds. Issues syncing? Try performing a $0 cash up straight away, then delete and reinstall the Bustle Till iPad app.

  • All Bustle Till devices are capable of making payments to orders and tabs.

  • For this reason, ensure you cash up all iPads every day. Even if you are only using the iPad as an ordering device. 

  • Any transaction settled on an iPad, will show up in that iPad's cash up.

  • Any iPad not regularly cashed up can cause syncing of tabs to slow and printing & Saving of orders to delay. This gets worse over time as more data is added and not cleaned up by the cash up process.

Now,  get back to annoying the chefs, because you’re all done here!

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